Say “YES!” to Keto

I am the type of person who really eats a lot. I love rice, I love sweets, I LOVE FOOD! For years, I get to eat anything, everything, anytime without gaining weight. But, I admit, I am getting old – yes I am already turning 30 this year. Most of my clothes won’t fit anymore, and changing wardrobe sizes are not easy and is somewhat depressing! I don’t know if it’s because of the new work that I have – (working from home on a graveyard shift makes you just sit, eat and sleep the whole time!), but I gained a lot of weight. I easily get tired, and always feel so restless. I know that I have to take care of my body – “Health is Wealth.”. Thus, I researched on a kind of diet that I’d still enjoy. The kind of diet that can still make me eat some of my favorite food. Until I’ve learned about “Keto” Diet.

The “Keto” Diet or Ketogenic Diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein and low-carbohydrate diet. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates. So yes, this diet won’t allow you to eat rice, too. Normally, the carbohydrates contained in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the body and is particularly important in fueling brain-function. However, if there is very little carbohydrate in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies. So it would be much easier for our body to burn fats. Thus, weight loss!

I have seen some online sellers on Instagram offer diet meal plans, and for months, I have this plan of ordering. Most of them are budget friendly, yes. Because for 5 or 7 days, 3 meals per day, their rates range from P1500 to P2000. Not bad!

I’ve got an offer from Gourmet Chef Manila, and I got so interested with their offer. They have Low-Carb and Keto Diet meal plans. When I checked their Instagram page, I browsed through all their photos and the food looks so good and tempting. I’ve seen the menu they offer weekly – most of them I am not familiar, HAHA! That’s why it made me more interested. They offer FREE DELIVERY, and you can pay them either by bank deposit or COD! Very convenient!


This was the meal plan menu they have for the week of October 23-27. I was so excited that I wanted to make sure I’ll be taking photos of each meal I’ll be having everyday!


These were delivered to me the night of October 23rd. They’re pre-packed and these need to be stored in the refrigerator, so you just need to put it in the microwave oven before you eat it. Less work for me. I don’t need to cook and wash the dishes!


I had Okonomiyaki for breakfast. This was the first time I’ve heard of it and it tasted so good! It’s one my favorites from GCM!

For lunch, I had Lemon Grass Chicken Lollipops. I work late at night so I got to eat this at 9:00pm. It has 3 pieces of lollipops and veggies on the side. I don’t know if the serving was just few or I was just hungry that time, or if I just miss eating rice, so I cooked fried chicken to satisfy my hunger! Haha! Forgive me!

My dinner was Pork Loin in Creamy Shallot & Mushroom Sauce. I loved it with the veggies!


My second day made me more excited because, these smelled so good and looked very delicious! You see, I made the right decision of having a Keto Diet. I enjoy my food without me missing rice! This was the time I made a promise that I will not eat even just a few spoonfuls of rice! Did it work? Continue reading. 😀


I had Philly Cheese Steak for breakfast. I must say, their breakfast meals really are so good! They always have veggies on the side. Which made me love these meals even more!

For lunch, I had Italian Meatballs with Roasted Eggplant. I’m not a fan of Italian red sauce, but this one’s so good! It has 4 or 5 meatballs and slices of eggplants. I am happy eating just this without rice. My body’s already adjusting that I get full easily after each meal! 😀

Sorry I forgot to take a photo of what I had for dinner. But that night, I ate Greek Salad. It’s made of tuna and veggies. This time, I can’t help but eat what’s in the kitchen. I was still hungry, haha! But believe me, I didn’t have that time. 😀


I survived Day 1 & 2! And here’s my meal for Day 3. I had:

  • Breakfast – Braised Thai Pork
  • Lunch – Garlic Herbed Chicken Asparagus
  • Dinner – Chicken Chops and Spinach

This meal looked and just the same. But tasted differently, of course. I did not cheat on my third day. Haven’t eaten anything aside from these and I was so happy!


I was so excited for my Day 4 meal because they looked so good! I wasn’t able to take the photo of my dinner because I already finished eating it before realizing that I still need to take a photo of it! Haha! Sorry! Day 4 meal was my favorite! All of them tastes really good! Sometimes they add spice to some meals which I really love!

I had Bacon Wrapped Sausage for breakfast. I know this might be oily for some, but the cucumber compliments everything! Really good!

For lunch, I had Sriracha Chicken. I think this was the one that’s a bit spicy. It’s really good. Strips of chicken plus veggies made me so full! Well, I cheated for lunch since I had Beef Gyudon and Pork Belly Churrasco from Wild Kinjo. No rice, swear! 😀

Butter Basil Pork was my dinner and I’ve had it at 3:00AM because I was still so full from what I had from lunch! And yes, I forgot to take a picture of it too!


My Day 5, which was my last day meal for the week, was a bit hectic. Brought my breakfast to work because I was in a hurry and had no time to eat it at home. I had it while I was in a meeting! Seriously, I got distracted because it was so yummy!

I had Italian Roll-Ups for breakfast. It consists of cheese and bell pepper strips wrapped in sweet ham! This meal consists of three roll-ups. So good! Somehow tastes like pizza!

I wasn’t able to bring lunch to work. Because my boss wanted us to have a lunch buffet. So I just decided to eat my lunch at home and will serve as my dinner! We ate at Samgyupsalamat – a Korean buffet restaurant, so I was safe and only ate beef and bacon, and kimchi! I researched, these are allowed in the diet I am in! 😀

So my dinner, which supposedly should be my lunch was Garlic Parmesan Chicken. I didn’t know parmesan cheese would go well with chicken. Really good. This was something new. Highly recommended!

I had my dinner for breakfast the next day which was Gyudon. It’s different for me because I used to eat Gyudon in restaurants and it only is beef with some sauce. With GCF, it has veggies on in. Can you imagine it with pumpkin and greens? It tasted good, too!


I forgot to weigh myself before trying this 5-day meal plan, so I won’t be able to give you any feedback or give you a before and after result, sorry. But one thing I noticed, is my tummy looks smaller now, and a pair of jeans and shorts fit me again! Horaaaay!! Will definitely continue with this diet until I lose enough weight!

If you’re tired of your normal meal plan, try Ketogenic Diet! It is a low-carb, high-fat diet that causes weight loss faster than the usual!

For more information, you may contact them at 09178592408 or email at

Also follow them on Social Media!

Instagram: @gourmetchefmanila

I highly recommend you to try it!

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