More Than A Decade of Delightfulness: I SOLA-v It!

Tea is an aromatic drink prepared by pouring hot  water over cured leaves. After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many different types of tea; some teas have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavor, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral or grassy notes. It is a source … Continue reading More Than A Decade of Delightfulness: I SOLA-v It!

Say “YES!” to Keto

I am the type of person who really eats a lot. I love rice, I love sweets, I LOVE FOOD! For years, I get to eat anything, everything, anytime without gaining weight. But, I admit, I am getting old - yes I am already turning 30 this year. Most of my clothes won't fit anymore, … Continue reading Say “YES!” to Keto