Experience Bangkok – A Week With Friends 2019

Yes, it’s my second time to go out of the country, and this time, I was with my friends! It was an impromptu trip because it was never really “planned”. We were just in a conversation and Asher & Royce mentioned they booked a flight to Bangkok, Thailand to celebrate Asher’s birthday. And the conversation just started. Their invites never ended, and a group chat in Messenger was made! It was a tough decision – because hey, Leo and I are parents who’ll have our kids enrolled in schools soon. We never even booked the same flight together. We were never seating beside each other during our flights! HAHA! This was never expected, but this trip was really an experience.

We arrived not at the same time as the four of our friends who got there hours earlier. It’s a good thing Marc hired his driver. It was a smooth trip. We were never tired and stressed. We’re in a new Toyota Innova cab! Define beating the extreme heat in the city!

Our first night was a trip to the night market! My tummy was so happy! I got to try authentic Thai food! Happier when I got a sight to their famous Mango Sticky Rice!


I didn’t know if Leo had fun with all those spicy food, but those exotic worms made that curious boy happy too!

We started our trip on our second day. We had breakfast on the street, but that was the BEST Pad Thai and Spring Rolls we’ve ever tasted!

It was just beside the Golden Buddha Temple! The cheapest and most delicious Pad Thai! It only costs 40 Baht! Just a tip, if you’re not into spicy food before you order, let the cook know that you don’t want it spicy. Because sometimes, even if you tell them not to serve spicy, it still has that kick!


This was our view of the Golden Buddha Temple from where we had the best breakfast ever!


It was not that strict when it comes to clothing. You just have to make sure your shoulders are covered and you have to remove your shoes. Pay respect to their culture. But it was so hot. It felt like it was 40 degrees! Imagine walking barefoot on granite/marble stones at that temperature!

But you got to see the beauty. You have to walk through that! We went there early, so we’re lucky there are not many tourists….yet! We were lucky enough to enjoy taking those “Instagrammable” photos and videos. For the love of content creation! HAHA!

Before you enter the Golden Buddha Temple (Wat Traimit), you need to purchase an entrance ticket which costs 100 baht per person. Oh, there are stores beside the temple, so if you want to buy a hat, a fan, or whatever, just go there, it’s almost complete. Got my sarong there for 100 Baht.


Our second temple was at Wat Pho, also known as the Reclining Buddha. It was amazing, it was beautiful! Thanking Asher’s gorilla pod, we managed to take a group photo inside!


This shot would’ve been perfect if it’s less crowded. I mean, I could have somersaulted inside to get perfect angles of this handsome man!


Though there were a lot of tourists already, at least we were still able to enjoy the view, we were still able to take those memorable photos and videos. It was epic! See this photo? Tourists were also taking shots of them doing this too! HAHA!

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The entrance fee is 200 Baht. It was a big place! They also give you free stubs for bottled water! I lost my stub, but so lucky they still gave me free water.

You have to visit every corner. The nicest places are those that look less interesting. Just look at these photos!

This place over here was completely empty. It wasn’t really hidden, it was just in a corner. How can no one appreciate the beauty of this door?

This is the most famous spot where couples take lots of photos! How did we manage to take this? Wait for all of them to pass by. Wait for them to finish taking photos. Make them feel you’re waiting for them to leave so you could take your own photos too! Haha! You are welcome!


Who says this spot is only for couples? Naaah! Perfect for solo shots too!


We found this spot while patiently looking for a place where we could at least rest for a bit. There were two tourists in a hurry taking shots (I don’t know why they were, but hey, thanks! HAHA). This photo would be amazing for me if I am wearing a nice cultural-ish dress. It was perfect when Leo’s doing his candid thing! You agree?

We’re supposed to visit the Grand Palace and Wat Arun that same day, but unfortunately, they have a very strict dress code. You have to wear something with sleeves and you have to wear pants or long bottoms! That applies to both men and women who’ll enter The Grand Palace. They sell pricey shirts and pants – which will be out of our budget, plus, it doesn’t look pleasing and will ruin your entire photoshoot plan, and the boys are not interested in buying or even wearing pants because it was really hot, so we decided not to go.

I also learned that you need to ride a boat going to Wat Arun. Which scared me a bit (because I am not a fan of boat rides). Plus, it’s in the middle of the afternoon, and the same rules apply, so the group decided to call it a day. It was sad for me. But what can I do? We were not prepared!

Our day ended with so much introduction to Thai food! I swear I will go back just for their food! It’s amazing!


That night we had a trip to the famous and wild Khaosan Road. It’s so wild that you’ll be scared to drink beer. Remember the movie The Hangover? Haha!


Let me warn you, that you are not allowed to take photos of that exotic street food unless you pay them 10 Baht per photo. Our friend Kc was almost hit with an “arinola” just by video calling his wife! Haha!


We must not forget the famous Leo beer. The only beer brand he had during our trip. Hey, he finished that bottle quick! He’s improved! I am so proud! HAHA!


Our 3rd day was an experience at the floating market. We were actually expecting a lot, given the fact that we paid 3,000 baht for the boat, but 90% of the stalls were closed. We saw nothing but wild reptiles and kids swimming in the river. We’re expecting for elephants too. But we learned that you need to pay extra. Like around 500 baht per person on top of the 3,000 baht boat ride if you want to see one. We’re so tired and we weren’t able to think properly. HAHA! Aaahh! I wanted to see those elephants!

She was the only one who had nice photos during this activity! Haha!

They’re never leaving without a pad thai experience on the boat!

And a taste of their authentic Thai coffee and milk tea too!

These were one of the few open stalls at that time. It would have been beautiful if all of them were open. The photos I’ve seen were incredible!

They have a small temple in the middle of the market too! It was beautiful! Look at those details! It was a plus because they sell cooling towels too! haha! For 20 Baht per towel, we’ve had the best time of our lives! HAHA!

Going back to Bangkok from the floating market is stressful! The traffic made us travel for 3 hours going back! We were still able to buy fruits at Or Tor Kor, but we weren’t able to treat Mr. Win a rewarding massage because we are planning for a big celebration that night. It was Asher’s birthday and it will be a surprise proposal too! Good thing, Kc was able to get us a table.



It was the best night ever! But we have to cut the celebration shorter because they have an early flight the next day. Leo and I were left alone in the hotel. But because we chose to sleep over an early last day tour, we suffered the consequences.

We did nothing but chase over Tuk Tuks for a photo, had coffee, and that’s it! We need to be at the airport at 6:00PM for our 9:00PM flight going back to Manila.

This was the only coffee shop out of the 6 I planned to visit during our stay! I was really sad. Bangkok has nice cafes!

We had the best driver! We weren’t able to treat him for a good Thai massage because we no longer have enough Baht and time too! We highly recommend Mr. Win for your Bangkok tour. He knows everything! His recommendations are exceptional too! On our last day, Leo and I were still able to get him new customers. Also as our way of thanking him for being the best!


Congratulations, Asher & Royce! This was really the highlight of the whole trip! Look at that ring!!

Our trip to Bangkok was somewhat short, but it was fun and memorable. So, here’s a simple treat for all of you – a short video of our amazing experience in Bangkok, Thailand!

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